2022 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology

2022 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology –
New Development in the Digital Economy: Metaverse, Web3 and Beyond

Date: November 3, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 09:00 – 18:10
Venue: Hang Seng Bank Penthouse
Format: Hybrid mode (Physical and Webinar)
Host: Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Supporting Organisation: Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP)

About the event :

Agenda :

Guest of Honour, Speakers and Panelist :

Register Now and Join us on Nov 03:

This CUHK conference is part of the university’s 6th FinTech Education Series, which aims to promote financial technology education. This is a satellite event of the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022 – Asia’s most anticipated international financial technology event, which brings together more than 1.2 million participants who are executives, entrepreneurs, investors, regulators, and academics from 130+ economies. In this year’s conference, experts will share their views on the potential and outlook of metaverse and web3 technologies.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to meet other academics and industry professionals, to engage in fruitful discussions, exchange ideas, and discover new collaboration opportunities.

註册財務策劃師協會( HKRFP) 十分榮幸,第4年有份成為大會支持機構和協力推廣,希望業內和有興趣金融科技嘅朋友,可線上或於現場實體同步參與支持!

#fintech #FintechHK #HKFTW #HKFintechWeek #event


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