4th Annual Hong Kong Financial Planner of The Year Award
Being the pioneer in organizing an annual Award to honour and recognize the professionalism and dedication of financial planners, Society of Registered Financial Planners (“HKRFP”) was pleased to announce the winners of the “4th Annual Hong Kong Financial Planner of the Year Award at The Award Presentation Ceremony and Dinner on October 26, 2006 at Happy Valley Club House, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.
Having organized the fourth Hong Kong Financial Planner of the Year Award, the HKRFP had retained their objectives as to promote professionalism of the financial planning industry, give due recognition to successful financial planners for their achievements, build up the image of financial planners as a prestigious profession and raise public awareness of the value of financial planning services. Financial planning was a sunrise industry. Demand for financial planning services may sound too great for the market to cover.
Sir David Akers-Jones, Patron of HKRFP, comments, “Academic qualification and years of experience are crucial elements for one to gain the relevant knowledge to join the profession. But more importantly, integrity, ethics, professional qualifications, and continuous upgrading are what make the individual stand out and be a reliable and trusted financial planner for his clients. And HKRFP stands for all that – to promote a self-regulating industry by emphasizing continuous education, examination and the enforcement of a code of ethics and professional responsibilities.”
Bernard Chan GBS JP,
member of the Legislative Council and non-official member of the Executive Council
Gold Award
Ms. Elsa Leung
Midland Wealth Management Limited
Hong Kong Group
Silver Award and Outstanding Presentation Award
Mr. Ben Ng
General International Agency Ltd
Hong Kong Group celebrated with his family and colleagues
Bronze Award
Ms. Carmen Mak
Hong Kong Group
For the second time of organizing a China group, the number of “Certificate of Merit” has been increased from two to five. Meanwhile, applicants from the Mainland constitute a significant number of participants in the contest. “We are pleased to see an increased contribution from the mainland applicants. Thanks to the robust economic growth in the PRC, the increased average earnings per person induces a growing driver for the industry” said Prof. Joseph Sin, President of HKRFP. He predicted that the population of the middle class will reach 100 or 200 million, and the number of qualified financial planners in Mainland China has to be increased by 300,000 in order to cater the market need.
Gold Sponsor:
Mr. Felix Lau, Senior Vice President and Head of Sales & Distribution, Retail Banking Group, CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited, said, “CITIC Ka Wah Bank Ltd is pleased to be sponsor of the “Financial Planner of the Year Award” once again. The contest is meaningful in the sense that not only elites of the industry are recognized, but also communications among the sector are promoted. In the contest, practitioners can share with us successful cases of financial planning, allowing the public to understand further about the profession. In accord to the rising demand on the quality of financial planners, it is a trend for front-line staff to acquire professional qualifications.”
Silver Sponsor:
American International Assurance
Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr. Jim Jan Zen, Vice President of Agency Administration of American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited, said, “People is the key to the financial service industry. The annual award advocates “Service Excellence” by recognizing outstanding practitioners’ efforts in providing quality services to fulfill customer needs, which help enhance the industry service standard of our professionals.”
Name of Award Winners (Hong Kong Group)
Winners of Hong Kong Group
Gold Award
Ms. Elsa Leung
Midland Wealth Management Limited
Silver Award and Outstanding Presentation Award
Mr. Ben Ng
General International Agency Ltd
Bronze Award
Ms. Carmen Mak
CITIC Ka Wa Bank Limited
Certificate of Merit
Mr. Perkins Ho
Convoy Financial Services Limited
Certificate of Merit
Mr. Cliff Lai
The Bank of East Asia, Limited
Name of Award Winners (China Group)
Winners of China Group
Gold Award
Mr. Zhong Haidong
Personal Financial Planning Center
Shanghai Jing An Branch, Bank of China
Silver Award
Ms. Lin Ping
China Life Insurance Company Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Branch
Bronze Award
Mr. Liu Jianbo
American International Assurance
Company Limited – Guangdong Branch
Certificate of Merit
Mr. Chen Mingzhong
Credit Card Center
China Everbright Bank
Certificate of Merit
(No Photo)
Ms. Qin Qiaoqing
Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd FoShan Branch
Certificate of Merit
Mr. Wang Guocheng
American International Assurance
Company Limited – Shanghai Branch
Certificate of Merit
(No Photo)
Mr. Xu Bin
Shenzhen Development Bank Shanghai Lu Wan Branch
Certificate of Merit
Ms. Yang Ling
Guangfa Securities Co., Ltd
Online Media Partners
Panel List (In alphabetical order)
Name Title
Mr. Gary Cheung Chief Executive , Hong Kong Securities Institute
Mr. Andrew Chow Persident, The Insurance Institute of Hong Kong Limited
Prof. Simon Ho Dean, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr. James Kong MH Hon President, Institute of Financial Accountants in Hong Kong
Mr. Andy Lam, JP Chairman, Hong Kong Accounting Professionals Associations
Mr. Vincent Li General Manager, Enterprise Value & Logistics Consultancy Divisions, Hong Kong Productivity Council
Prof. Joseph Sin President, Society of Registered Financial Planners
Dr. Anthony Tam Director, School of Business & Information Systems, Vocational Training Coucil
Dr. Clement Wong Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economics & Finance, City University of Hong Kong
Mr. Joseph Yau Past President, The Certified Management Accountants of Canada, Hong Kong Branch
Supporting Organizations/Associations (In alphabetical order)
Hong Kong Accounting Professionals Associations Middlesex University
Hong Kong Association of Corporate Treasurers The Certified Management Accountants of Canada, Hong Kong Branch
Hong Kong Community College The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers
Hong Kong Productivity Council The Hong Kong Management Association
Hong Kong Securities Institute The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management
Independent Financial Advisors Association Limited The Institute of Securities Dealers Limited
Institute of Financial Accountants in Hong Kong The Insurance Institute of Hong Kong Limited
International Association of CFOs and Corporate Treasurers (China) The Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors
ITAccountants Association Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Healthy Budgeting Family Debt Counselling Centre