Metaverse Asia EXPO 2022 (MAE2022)下周隆重登場!
首屆亞洲元宇宙博覽會2022(MAE2022), 將於10月17日至18日在數碼港(Cyberport)隆重舉行, 香港特別行政區商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士, 將擔任是次博覽主禮嘉賓。
為期5天的博覽會將包括多場元宇宙專題研討會,旨在加深企業和市民對元宇宙概念的理解,重點議題涵蓋資本市場、時代教育、大灣區元界、以及 ESG和碳中和。是次主講嘉賓包括跨國公司高層、內地和大灣區有實體業務的公司、以色列駐香港和澳門特別行政區總領事、以色列企業、高等院校教授、香港特別行政區政府官員和香港公共機構代表。
註冊財務策劃師協會(HKRFP)很榮幸成為是次博覽會支持機構, 早前上次贈送活動門券反應熱烈, 現大會再為本會會員加碼送出, 各位透過海報右下角, 掃入HKRFP專屬碼即可登入參加 ! 請即把握進入元宇宙嘅機會,立即行動登入!
有關 MAE 2022 資料, 可登入瀏覽:
【#Meet the corporate and investor champions NOW】
Calling all #FinTechs who want to scale your business in Hong Kong and Asia: here comes the chance to fast-track your success! Sign up for Global Fast Track (GFT) 2022, a FREE FinTech accelerator programme organised by Invest Hong Kong, and get:
✅An opportunity to showcase your #FinTechSolutions to 80+ corporates and investors in Asia
✅Direct access to meet your #FinTech peers and potential #partners in 1-2-1 meetings for business collaboration
✅Connect with our financial regulators and mentors to strengthen your business model & expand into the #GreaterBayArea markets
✅Brand exposures by leveraging the FintechHK and the Hong Kong FinTech Week channels
What are you waiting for?
Submit your application and pitch your FinTech solutions and business plans to over 80+ regional corporates and investors now!
@Invest Hong Kong | @FintechHK | @Hong Kong FinTech Week
@FINNOVASIA #FintechHK #GlobalFastTrack #FastTrackYourNextSuccess #HK #Asia #GBA
Metaverse Asia Expo 2022 (MAE2022) is coming & free tickets for HKRFP members
The first-ever Metaverse Asia Expo (MAEE2022) with the theme of “Metaverse Opportunities and Our Future” will be held in #hongkong, #shanghai, #vietnam, and between October 17 to 21, 2022, with the theme of “Metaverse Business Opportunities and Future”.
There will be more than 30 Co-organising and Supporting organizations including the Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP), the Association of Blockchain Development (“ABCD”), ASIA CEO COMMUNITY, GBX as well as Cyberport Hong Kong, Invest HONG KONG, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and etc with the event managed by GreatMeta Ltd.
Exhibitors at MAE2022 will be coming from various countries in Asia and even from Europe & Middle East including technology, finance, start-up and Metaverse ecosystem-related companies. Technologies that support the Metaverse ecology include networks, systems, interfaces, software, payment, and platforms.
Enterprises can use the MAE2022 opportunity to attract clients, hold press conferences in different virtual scenes, establish their Metaverse brand, and experiment with their Metaverse value creation. They can also create scenarios to prepare for future Metaverse economic growth. It’s also important to the wider public what Metaverse is about, which makes a new choice for education, job hunting, gaming, sales engagement, team building, daily consumption, investment, wealth management, and even leisure and social life.
Please visit Metaverse Asia Expo 2022 to find out more.
LinkedIn page:
100 free tickets for HKRFP members (first come first serve)
for MAE2022 (deadline on 07 OCT 2022)
(Promotion Code for HKRFP members: HKRFP)
Unlimited online view admission (deadline on 07 OCT 2022)
Agenda & Program Rundown
HKRFP – Annual General Meeting 2022
Date : 29 September 2022 (Thursday)
Venue: Lingnan Club
Mr. WONG Man Sek, Michael (President)
Mr. CHU Wai Pang, Chester (Vice President)
Mr. CHUNG Wai Hung, Gerard (Vice President)
Mr. FAN Wai Kong, Michael (Vice President)
Mr. LEUNG Po Hang, Derek (Vice President)
Mr. HO Chi Sing, Simon (Honorary Secretary)
Mr. HO Cheuk Sun, Stephen (Honorary Treasurer)
Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022
We are proud to be a supporting organisation for @Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022: Pushing Boundaries, Reaping Benefits, together with organisers Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) and InvestHK, and appointed event organiser FINNOVASIA. This exciting event will be held from 31 October – 4 November 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and Online.
This year’s themes are The Davos of FinTech, Greater Bay Area, Digital Assets, CBDC & Web3 and Emerging Technology & Implementation.
At this world-class event, thousands of FinTechs and financial professionals, investors, regulators and tech enthusiasts will attend the in-person conference and exhibition. More of them from different countries across the world will join the live streams. You should be here too!
HKRFP is one of the supporting organizations for the event this year. We are now pleased to provide our members with the 10% discount code for purchasing Hong Kong FinTech Week tickets. Feel free to share the code with your members and enjoy the offer!
Join us today:
@Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) l @Invest Hong Kong | @FintechHK
@Hong Kong FinTech Week @FINNOVASIA #FintechHK #fintech #hongkong #hk #HKFTW2022 #HKFintechWeek
GBA Innovation Summit StartmeupHK Festival 2022
GBA Innovation Summit StartmeupHK Festival 2022
Date: 5 September 2022 (Monday)
Venue: The Community Lab, 24/F., Lee Gardens Phase 5,
18 Hysan Ave, Causeway Bay.
Organizer: TusPark Hong Kong is a One-Day Summit in the StartmeupHK Festival 2022
Representative: Mr. Michael Wong (President of HKRFP)
Remarks: HKRFP is Community Partner
UFP 2021 winner’s Rotary Kowloon West visit and sharing
UFP 2021 winner’s Rotary Kowloon West visit and sharing
Date : 11 May 2022 (Wednesday)
Venue : The Mira Hong Kong
Organizer : Rotary Club of Kowloon West
Representative: Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)
Champion – Converge – WONG Yi Tou Sheldon (The University of Hong Kong)
1st Runner-Up – PCJH FiPlan – LAM Pui Hang Henry (City University of Hong Kong)