
CIMA & AICPA Annual Conference Hong Kong

Date: November 17, 2022 (Thursday)

Venue: New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel,

72 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Live Online Webinar

Sponsors and Supporting Organizations for CIMA Annual Conference 2022

Representative: Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)

2022 Hong Kong Fintech Week

2022 Hong Kong Fintech Week

Date: 31 October 2022 (Monday)

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre,

1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai

Organizers:  Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau

InvestHK, FintechHK

Appointed Event Organiser: Finnovasia,

Representative: Mr. Michael Wong (President of HKRFP) , Mr. Michael Fan (Vice President of HKRFP, Mr.Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)

「數字化趨勢下的投資策略」講座 – 2022香港金融科技週 (HKFTW) 聯名活動之一

「數字化趨勢下的投資策略」講座 –
2022香港金融科技週 #HKFTW2022 聯名活動

由註冊財務策劃師協會 (HKRFP) 及雲端與流動運算專業人士協會(ACMCP) 共同主辦的「數字化趨勢下的投資策略講座」,邀請城中著名從事創投基金、數字財富管理、#Web3 應用場景及如何進行平台轉型、品牌科技 #BrandTech 及合規科技 #RegTech 等專家,分享2023年最新科技項目投資及營商發展趨勢。

央行數字貨幣(CBDC)會加速不同範疇的數字化轉型, 與新興產業如元宇宙和數字資產的三角關係。 從投資、交易、合規等應用的實戰要訣,還有在個人資料保護及跨境數據共享的政策的工作。

主辦機構 :
註冊財務策劃師協會 (HKRFP)
雲端與流動運算專業人士協會 (ACMCP)

合辦機構 :
香港數字金融協會 (HKDiFi)
香港金融科技行業協會 (HKFIA)

時間:6:30pm 至 9:00pm
地點:H6 CONET, 中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下


專題討論 1: 擁抱Web 3.0年代下的投資策略和風投趨勢
嘉賓 (按英文姓氏字母排名)

陳裕楷先生(Brian Chan) – 意博金融(VSFG)投資總監
鄧志遠先生(Rico Tang) – Advisor, STEPN
黃一哲先生(Ray Wong) – Asymmetry Capital 創辦人
郁加欣女士(Caroline York) – Gusto Collective 市場總監

主持: 黃敏碩先生 (Michael Wong) – 註冊財務策劃師協會會長

專題討論 2: 央行數字貨幣會加速數字化轉型
嘉賓 (按英文姓氏字母排名)

劉業民先生 (Edmond Lau) – 香港數字金融協會聯席會長
李嘉明女士 (Irene Lee) – 華泰金融控股(香港)網絡金融,零售及私人財富管理合規主管 / 香港金融科技協會董事會成員
李國樑 (Paul Li) – 香港互聯網金融協會會長 / Banking Circle 大中華區總經理
黃繼兒先生 (Stephen Wong) – Gilt Chambers 大律師 / 前香港私隱專員

主持: 陳家豪先生 (Emil Chan) – 雲端與流動運算專業人士協會會長 / 城市大學EMBA特約教授

2022 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology

2022 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology –
New Development in the Digital Economy: Metaverse, Web3 and Beyond

Date: November 3, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 09:00 – 18:10
Venue: Hang Seng Bank Penthouse
Format: Hybrid mode (Physical and Webinar)
Host: Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Supporting Organisation: Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP)

About the event :

Agenda :

Guest of Honour, Speakers and Panelist :

Register Now and Join us on Nov 03:

This CUHK conference is part of the university’s 6th FinTech Education Series, which aims to promote financial technology education. This is a satellite event of the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022 – Asia’s most anticipated international financial technology event, which brings together more than 1.2 million participants who are executives, entrepreneurs, investors, regulators, and academics from 130+ economies. In this year’s conference, experts will share their views on the potential and outlook of metaverse and web3 technologies.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to meet other academics and industry professionals, to engage in fruitful discussions, exchange ideas, and discover new collaboration opportunities.

註册財務策劃師協會( HKRFP) 十分榮幸,第4年有份成為大會支持機構和協力推廣,希望業內和有興趣金融科技嘅朋友,可線上或於現場實體同步參與支持!

#fintech #FintechHK #HKFTW #HKFintechWeek #event


DAS (Digital Asset Series) 2022 – Session 8# : Defi & Crypto (去中心化金融與加密貨幣)

Co-hosted by: the Faculty of Digital Transformation Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Co-Organiser: Society of Registered Financial Planners(HKRFP)

Decentralized finance (or DeFi) emerged as an exciting new crypto space in 2017, and has poised to disrupt traditional finance with new “programmable money.” The market soared in the “DeFi Summer” of 2020 with the launch of major new applications such as Uniswap and Aave. Though the 2022 downturn has already taken a toll on many DeFi projects and the crypto space as a whole, it can still lead to game-changing breakthroughs. If past events are any indication, a new era of creativity seems inevitable.

In this session of DAS, we are very honoured to be joined by some of the leading experts in the digital asset space for sharing their insights on DeFi & Cryptocurrencies.


在這次數字資產系列 (DAS) 研討會中,我們非常榮幸能夠邀請到數字資產領域的一些頂尖專家共聚於此,分享他們對去中心化金融和加密貨幣的獨到見解。

Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Time : 6:00-8:45pm
Language: English
Venue: New World Millennium, 72 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (千禧新世界香港酒店, 九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道72號)

Free Seminar Onsite & Online Registration:
(Zoom link will also be provided before the event)

Topic: DeFi: Opportunities and Risk
Speaker: SM YIU, Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong

Topic: Decentralized Treasury Management to Safe keep Assets for Communities
Speaker: Thor CHAN, CEO, BGE CTO, HKE Holdings (1726.HK)

Topic: From TradFi to DeFi
Speaker: Hinson WONG, Entrepreneur and full-stack DeFi developer

Topic: CeFi and DeFi Convergence,
Speaker: Kevin LAW, Director of Business Development, Matrixport

Topic: How to profit $180K in 15 seconds with DeFi
Speaker: Jack POON, Professor of Practice, School of Accounting and Finance, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Panel Discussion
Q&A + Networking

For more information about Digital Asset Series (DAS), please visit –


「智圓雅聚」Wednesday Coalition Meeting

獲「智圓雅聚」主辦機構107動力邀請,首度協辦本月午餐會,今次大會邀得重量級嘉賓金融發展局主席李律仁先生(Laurence Li) ,暢談香港金融創新與發展,並由本會會長黃敏碩出任主持。


機會難逢,各位會員不宜錯過,有興趣可登入下列報名連結,或掃入海報的QR Code 參加:


Hong Kong FinTech Week tickets with a 10% discount for HKRFP members

Hong Kong FinTech Week is back this year from 31 October – 4 November at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and Online. We are thrilled to be involved in supporting one of the region’s most awaited FinTech events.

HKFTW 22 offers you the opportunity to:

– Hear from 350+ iconic global speakers
– Visit 400+ exhibitors
– Meet with startups, corporates and investors from 80+ economies

We are pleased to provide HKRFP members with a 10% discount code for purchasing Hong Kong FinTech Week tickets. Feel free to share the code with your members and enjoy the offer!

Book your ticket today:


@Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) l @Invest Hong Kong | @FintechHK

@Hong Kong FinTech Week @FINNOVASIA #FintechHK #fintech #hongkong #hk #HKFTW2022 #HKFintechWeek

HKRFP會員 專享「數碼港創業投資論壇」通行證認購優惠

HKRFP會員 專享論壇通行證認購優惠

數碼港創業投資論壇 (CVCF) 2022 活動詳情

日期: 2022年10月27日至28日 (星期四至五)
主題: 萬變尋機遇 重塑增長力
模式: 實體,另配合線上會議混合活動模式
實體活動舉行地點: 數碼港3座E區3樓會議廳


年度旗艦創投盛事「數碼港創業投資論壇」(CVCF) 將於10月27至28日再度登場!論壇以「萬變尋機遇 重塑增長力」為題,揭示創投最新格局,剖析投資者最新動向和探討初創企業在亞洲尤其大灣區及香港市場的發展藍圖。論壇將於數碼港舉行,配合線上會議混合活動模式,連繫投資者和企業家,匯聚多位業界翹楚分享真知灼見,以及包羅萬有的創科資源和項目對接。

註冊財務策劃師協會(HKRFP)很榮幸繼續成為盛會支持機構, 各位會員可尊享下列優惠:

以港幣$300 取得全論壇通行證(Full Access Pass)乙張(原價:港幣$800元)

以港幣$500 取得參展商通行證(Exhibitor Plus Pass)乙張(原價:港幣$1,500元)



Metaverse Asia EXPO 2022 (MAE2022)下周隆重登場!

首屆亞洲元宇宙博覽會2022(MAE2022), 將於10月17日至18日在數碼港(Cyberport)隆重舉行, 香港特別行政區商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士, 將擔任是次博覽主禮嘉賓。



為期5天的博覽會將包括多場元宇宙專題研討會,旨在加深企業和市民對元宇宙概念的理解,重點議題涵蓋資本市場、時代教育、大灣區元界、以及 ESG和碳中和。是次主講嘉賓包括跨國公司高層、內地和大灣區有實體業務的公司、以色列駐香港和澳門特別行政區總領事、以色列企業、高等院校教授、香港特別行政區政府官員和香港公共機構代表。

註冊財務策劃師協會(HKRFP)很榮幸成為是次博覽會支持機構, 早前上次贈送活動門券反應熱烈, 現大會再為本會會員加碼送出, 各位透過海報右下角, 掃入HKRFP專屬碼即可登入參加 ! 請即把握進入元宇宙嘅機會,立即行動登入!

有關 MAE 2022 資料, 可登入瀏覽:

