
Sustainability and ESG for Insurance Professionals

Speaker :

Mr. Chu Wai Pang, Chester朱維鵬先生

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd.

President of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified ESG Strategists

Vice President of the Society of Registered Financial Planners

Chief Executive Officer of Fruit Tree Group


Topic content:

In this lecture, Mr Chu shall outline the global trend of ESG, as well as the risks associated according to their common characteristics. The ESG factors can provide both risks and opportunities and, in turn, contribute to the investment decision-making process.

Topics cover the following of “The Global Megatrend of ESG”

  • The Integrated ESG Risk Framework
  • Climate risks and carbon neutrality
  • The “Social” and “Governance” issues

Date: 25 January 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 11:45 – 13:15

Zoom Meeting link :

會議 ID:861 2111 2083


Language: Cantonese with English Version PowerPoint

Online Registration: Click here

Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023

We are proud to be a supporting organisation for @Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023. This exciting event will be held from 30 October – 5 November 2023 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Date: October 30, 2023 9:00 AM to Sunday, November 5, 2023 9:00PM
Venue: The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Dr, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Welcome to Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023

Representative: Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)

Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023

We are proud to be a supporting organisation for @Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023. This exciting event will be held from 30 October – 5 November 2023 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

For the past 7 years, Hong Kong FinTech Week has been shaping the industry and

providing insights into the FinTech market. Expecting 30,000 attendees, more than 500 global speakers, and over 700 exhibitors from scaleups, international and mainland delegations, to partners, HKFTW is the perfect opportunity to broaden your network and an essential destination for anyone interested in the future of finance and technology.

This year’s theme, FinTech Redefined., will have a strong focus on policy and regulatory innovation, the transition from web2 to web3, AI, and leveraging technology for inclusion, ESG, and Green Finance.


HKRFP is one of the supporting organizations for the event this year. We are now pleased to provide our members with the 15% discount code for purchasing Hong Kong FinTech Week tickets. Feel free to share the code with your members and enjoy the offer!


Join us today: #AngelHub #FintechHK #InvestHK
#Fintech #HongKong #HK #FSTB #WHub #HKFinTechWeek #HKFTW #HKFTW23
#Innovation #Technology #AI #Web3

NEXXASSETS 2023 – Exploring Hong Kong’s Future as a Global Web3 Leader

NEXX is pleased to announce an exciting seminar hosted by NEXXASSETS, an initiative of Web3 & Digital Assets under NEXX, focused on the strategic development of Hong Kong as a pioneering hub for web3 and digital asset innovation.

Thanks to Mann WM Yim, Chairman of NEXX for the invitation, and the Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP) is thrilled to be the supporting organization of the event. Don’t miss out on gaining insights from industry experts and thought leaders.

Date & Time: 20 Sept (Wed) 2:30-5:00pm HKT
Venue: Event Space, Central Market
93 Queen’s Road Central 1/F, Central Market, Central

Registration link & Details :

Organiser : NEXX,

Supporting organizations:
Cyberport, ASTRI, Hong Kong Digital Asset Society, Hong Kong Digital Finance Association, CityU EMBA and HKRFP

Discussion panels:

“Web3’s New Chapter: Evolution, Opportunities and Challenges Ahead”

“Real World Assets – How to bridge digital and physical assets through tokenization?”

“Bolstering Hong Kong’s Position in Web3: Navigating the Emerging Global Policy Landscape

Moderator :
Emil Chan, Co-chair, HK Digital Finance Association
Peter Koo, Convenor of Fintech Specialists Group of HK Computer Society

Keynote Speaker :
Nick Chan, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
Professor Michael Wong, Director – EMBA, CityU

Panelist :
– Nick Chan, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
– Dr. Crystal Fok, Head of STP Platform, HKSTP
– Devon Sin, Deputy Chief Executive, ZA Bank
– Sam Fok, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, Hong Kong Virtual Asset Exchange (HKVAX)
– Emil Chan, Co-chair, HK Digital Finance Association
– Lucas Cheung, Managing Partner HK, Gusto Collective
– Kaman Heung, Director, Matrixport
– Gilbert Ng, Director, Association of Blockchain Compliance Professionals


Speaker :

Mr. Kester Kwok 郭子杰先生 –  ETF 銷售經理 – 機構及分銷業務 – 恒生投資管理有限公司

郭先生現為恒生投資管理公司之ETF 銷售經理、機構及分銷業務。


  1. 恒生投資管理旗艦ETF 介紹及投資者買入ETF考慮因素
  2. 恒生指數持續優化機制及盈富基金最新發行量分析
  3. 本地投資者利用ETF趨勢及ETF互聯互通機制介紹
  4. 內地需作低碳投資和全球可持續投資資產不斷上升原因
  5. 恒生A股通低碳精選指數及編算細則介紹
  6. 如何量度投資組合的碳足跡

Moderator & Speaker :

Mr. Michael Wong  黃敏碩先生 – 註冊財務策劃師協會會長


  • 迎接第4季的環球及港股市場趨勢和板塊分析

時間︰18:00 – 20:00 (線上形式舉行).

加入Zoom Video Meeting Link: https://us06w

會議 ID: 84106679927

Language: Cantonese

Online Registration: Click here


The Current Situations of Hidden Champion & Unicorn in 2023

Speaker :

Mr. Chu Wai Pang, Chester朱維鵬先生

President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd.

President of Institute of Certified Finance & Responsible Officers

Vice President of Society of Registered Financial Planners


Topic content:

  1. Criteria of Hidden Champion
  • Leadership Success Factors
  • Common Points & Features
  • The Mindset of Hidden Champion Leaders
  1. What is a Unicorn Company?
  • Number of Unicorn Companies
  • Typical weakness of Unicorn

      3. Hidden Champion vs Unicorn

Date: 15 August 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

加入Zoom Video Meeting Link:

會議 ID: 81915728620

費用: 全免

Online Registration: Click here



可持續金融入門 (Introduction to Sustainable Finance)” 培訓課程 Intake 3


香港財務顧問協會(HKAFA)舉辦的 “可持續金融入門 (Introduction to Sustainable Finance)” 培訓課程,將於8月25日舉行 INTAKE 3。課程已被金管局(HKMA)和證監會(SFC)督導的「綠色和可持續金融培訓先導計劃」評定為合資格培訓及資歷課程 (, 課程識別碼 GTP-403223), 合資格結業學員可自行申請80%-100%學費返還資助。課程共26小時, 分13節課, 每堂兩小時, 逢週二及週五下午6時半至8時半上課。全程廣東話授課, 不設入學門檻, 結業學員可獲課程結業証書(紙版及 NFT版)和証監會認可的CPT證書。



課堂 預期學習成果。學員完成課堂後將能夠:
目標 1:可持續金融的潛在貢獻

1.    甚麼是可持續金融?為什麼以及如何?

2.    為氣候變化的國際協議和聯合國可持續發展目標提供資金

·  描述可持續金融的廣義概念

·  描述《巴黎氣候變化協定》的目標

·  解釋可持續金融對實現可持續發展的潛在貢獻

目標 2:核心概念和與主要參與者的相關性

3.    可持續金融的關鍵參與者:他們的考慮和決策

4.    可持續發展指標、標準和ESG評級風險管理

5.    透明度、披露、影響報告和溝通

6.    TCFD 和香港金融市場。

·  描述金融部門參與者對可持續發展的考慮

·  描述金融系統中的關鍵參與者和組織

·  解釋金融市場參與者如何報告其可持續性影響

·  描述 TCFD 建議並解釋它們在香港金融市場中的實踐

目標 3:塑造可持續金融市場的法規和行業舉措

7.    國際和國家政策和法規

8.    負責任投資原則

9.    負責任銀行和可持續保險原則

·  解釋國際倡議及國家監管如何塑造和影響可持續金融

·  解釋行業舉措如何有助於實現可持續金融體系的目標

·  描述關鍵可持續金融倡議的貢獻和影響

目標 4:可持續金融產品

10. 香港的綠色債券和貸款、社會或可持續發展相連貸款

11. 可持續金融戰略和產品概述

12. 影響力投資和基於績效的工具

·  描述債券和貸款原則的主要舉措

·  描述綠色債券原則、社會債券原則、可持續發展相連債券原則、綠色貸款原則和可持續發展相連貸款原則

·  描述香港可持續發展金融產品的發行流程

13. 考試  

老師陣容 (會按實際情况調動)

陳舜權主席Mr. Eric CHAN CFRo, M Comm, LLB, B Econ, CPA(PC)

張佩儀博士Dr. Denise CHEUNG PhD, CRP, AHKIArb, HKAFA


關幗玲博士Dr. Kate KWAN DBA(Newcastle),MFIN(HKU), CPA, CGMA, FRM, CEP®

梁永忠教授Dr. Joe LEUNG MSc, PhD (Warwick), DProf(Middlesex), DProf

邵志堯博士Dr. Kenny SIU PhD, MBA, MRICS, MCIH

胡伯杰會長Mr. Dennis WU BSc, MAcc, CMA, CPA, MHKGFA, MGBACNA


本課程已被「綠色和可持續金融培訓先導計劃」評定為合資格培訓及資歷課程, 合資格結業學員可自行申請80%-100%學費返還資助, 查詢: 2258 6000,, 課程編號 GTP-403223

課程費用: 港幣壹萬元正 (HK$10,000), 於開課前交足

課程日期:  2023 年 8月 25, 29 日; 9月 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 日; 10月 3, 10 日 (考試)

課程長度: 共 26 小時, 分為 12 節課堂和 1 堂考試; 每週二及週五, 下午六時半至八時半

上課地點: 於中環金鐘區, 具體地點待定

主辦機構: 香港財務顧問協會,, 查詢: 2110-3390,

收款戶口: 中國銀行 012-551-0-003702-1 The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Limited


如有任何查詢,請致電香港財務顧問協會(HKAFA) (852) 2110 3390 與羅先生聯絡。謝謝。



Regulatory Update – Latest SFC Disciplinary Actions

Speaker :

Mr. Chan King Wong Johnny (陳景煌律師)

Principal and Founder, Chan King Wong and Co.



Topic content:

證監會在第一季度對多間持牌法團進行了頗大的紀律處分,包括對花旗環球金融亞洲有限公司的 3.48 億元罰款、對南華期貨有限公司的 480 萬元罰款和對滙豐證券經紀(亞洲)有限公司的 630 萬元罰款。在這次網絡研討會中,陳景煌律師會分析這些紀律案件,並為持牌公司及其高管提取寶貴的提醒及教訓。

Date: 25 July 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: 11:45 – 13:15

加入 Zoom Meeting link:

會議 ID:883 5828 1044

Online Registration: Click here

Web 3 浪潮下的投資機遇與未來展望

Speaker :

Mr. Jerome Wong 黃子權先生 – Everest Ventures Group聯合創始人及首席商務官

  • 曾就職於匯豐銀行和瑞銀集團投資銀行部
  • 北京大學國際政治學士學位以及心理學輔修學位
  • 曾為眾多明星項目提供諮詢與投資

Miss Amanda Xiang 向子璇小姐 – Aspen Digital 商務拓展總監Moderator

  • 褔布斯數字資產、福布斯全球聯盟、福布斯購物等的創始成員
  • 管理全球房地產發展和高科技產業的股權投資
  • 畢業於美國西北大學凱洛格管理學院 MBA,獲得同校西北本科雙學士學位
  • 持有SFC 第4類和第9類牌執照

Moderator :

Mr. Michael Wong  黃敏碩先生 – 註冊財務策劃師協會會長

Topic content:

  • 香港新政策下Web 3 都有哪些投資機會?
  • 如何專業評估數字資產
  • 如何擇時佈時佈局 Web 3 新興賽道

Date: 01 August 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: 19:00 – 20:00

Venue: Aspen Digital: 29th Floor, 152 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Language: Cantonese

Online Registration: Click here