
The Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF)

The Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF) will return on 2 – 3 November 2021 to decode the reinvented tech and venture ecosystem, where global venture experts and entrepreneurial leaders will offer actionable insights on the latest fundraising strategies, market dynamics and value creation to capture investor appetite and stay ahead of the pack in times of great change.

Book now to enjoy Super-Saver offer (discount code: cvcfsupp) to register for the “Exhibitor Plus” with the exclusive access to:

  • Physical/virtual on 2-3 Nov+ event platform during mid-Oct to late-Nov
  • Investor Matching (online + onsite)
  • Branded virtual booth @Innovator Showcase
  • Short project demo video streaming @Founder Stage
  • Souvenir pack & dining voucher

Register NOW! More ticket options available.


Social Enterprise Summit 2021: Join Us to Reimagine a Regenerative Future

2021 is a year of challenges and opportunities. Movement restrictions has seen a digitalising world that facilitates collaboration with like-minded beyond geographical boundaries. ‘Shopping local’ and ‘buying ethical’ are becoming consumer mantras. Themed “Building Blocks of a Regenerative Future”, Social Enterprise Summit 2021 scheduled on 4-7 November will gather over 60 top international and local speakers to reimagine a possible future that is inclusive, regenerative, serving to restore in multiple dimensions. Join us in the 4-day symposium with a mix of physical sessions, online plenaries, workshops and networking events to connect and innovate. Register for your interested sessions now.

Check out SES website for details and registration. Early-bird offer for International Symposium Pass at $400 (Original: $500) is available by 15 October.



Speaker :

Mr. Chester CHU朱維鵬先生

‧  註冊財務策劃師協會副會長、香港財務顧問協會會長 & 注冊財會金融師公會會長


.專業資格為香港證監會註冊證券商Type 1, 4 & 6 的持牌負責人。

.“中外要聞"China and World Highlights 副主編。


Introduction :

香港從二次大戰結束的1945年至今76年,人口約60萬激增至超過700萬,成為世界上人口密度最高的城市之一。經濟發展,早期由於內地局勢不穩,大量移民遷居香港,帶來了資金、技術和人力資源,帶動了香港的經濟騰飛,成為現在的國際金融中心 (The Global Financial Centre)。香港過往的成功,羸得美譽和國際認同,其實是有賴政府和市民,同心協力不自覺地建立了多元化的核心價值。朱會長與朋友、學者、商人、專業人士,組成一個智囊團(Think Tank),多次利用Zoom開會後,將意見編纂成章與大家分享,希望大家能把握和珍惜我們獨有的優勢-核心價值,制定和實施一套正確的競爭策略。

Topic content:

香港國際金融中心的現況、證券交易所的實力; 核心價值分析: 積極不干預政策、人民幣離岸中心、尊重法治與高度自治、廉潔 與公平公正公開、低稅率、金融開放/外匯自由浮動與資金出入無管制、民主自由/言論自由/注重人權/保障私人財產。


Date : 30 September  2021 (Thursday)

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Zoom Meeting  Link :

Meeting ID:  818 2826 3724

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

Rotary Club of Kowloon West – Lunch meeting

Rotary Club of Kowloon West – Lunch meeting

Date : 8 September 2021 (Wednesday)

Venue : The Mira Hong Kong

Representative:  Mr. Simon Ho (Honorary Secretary), Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)

Dashun Foundation – Reinforcing Hong Kong Auditors and Company Secretaries’ Knowledge of the Open-ended Funder Companies Regime (“OFC regime”)

Dashun Foundation – Reinforcing Hong Kong Auditors and Company Secretaries’ Knowledge of the Open-ended Funder Companies Regime (“OFC regime”). HKRFP is one of the supporting organization.

For further information, please click the link below to register for the online seminar:

Hong Kong Fintech Week – Global Fast Track 2021

Final chance to apply for the Global Fast Track 2021 before the application closes on 10 September!

If you are a #FinTech company looking to scale in Asia, apply now for your chance to meet with and pitch to 80+ Corporate and Investor Champions. Both B2B and B2C solutions are welcomed in the featured 2021 verticals:
– #CommercialBanking
– #DigitalAssets
– #ESG
– #InsurTech
– #Investment, #WealthTech & #CapitalMarkets
– #Payments
– #Personal Finance
– #RegTech
– #RetailBanking

Apply today:

@Invest Hong Kong | @FintechHK

@FINNOVASIA #HKFinTechWeek #FinTech #HK #DigitalTransformation #GlobalFastTrack #FintechHK #banking #InsurTech #payment #WealthTech
#RegTech #ESG #digitalassets

2021 下半年投資部署分析

Speaker :

Mr. Michael Wong 黃敏碩先生 – 註冊財務策劃師協會會長

Miss Lee Yat Lam Barbara  李溢琳小姐 – 南方東英資產管理ETF及指數策略部擔任ETF策略師

Topic content:

1) 下半年環球市場趨勢分析

2) 主題板塊及股份建議

3) 南方東英分享下半年投資展望及焦點主題板塊,主要圍繞智創生活, 綠創發展, 優創未來

4) 如何利用ETF簡單直接捕捉潛力板塊

Date : 12 August 2021 (Thursday)

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Zoom Meeting  Link :

Meeting ID : 996 0631 1306

Language: Cantonese

On line Registration: Click here

Dos and Don’ts in describing your goods or services – understanding the unfair trade practices legislation


Dr. Albert Ho, CMSM

Dr. Ho is a barrister of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple of England and Wales, and the High Court of Hong Kong. Before practising at the Bar, he was the Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise in charge of investigation and intelligence, overseeing the investigation and intelligence work on intellectual property offences and organised crime, and leading the enforcement of unfair trade practices under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance

Topic content:

If you are looking for ways to describe your goods or services to promote their offerings and attempt to attract the attention of customers, you need to be careful about their rights.  Globally, the laws for protecting consumer interests are increasingly complex and stringent on what you can say or what you cannot say or what you should say about your goods or services.

The seminar will touch on the consumer protection provisions under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance in Hong Kong and discuss the following topics

  • Main provisions of unfair trade practices under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance
  • Case studies and the attitude of the court when imposing sanctions
  • Q&As

Date:  8 July 2021 (Thursday)

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Zoom Meeting  Link:

Meeting ID: 935 6965 7522

Language: English

On line Registration: Click here

「燃點‧夢想」- 青年創業計劃

Date: 12 June 2021 (Saturday)

Organizer: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – Healthy Budgeting Family Debt Counselling Centre

Representative: Mr. Stephen Ho (Chief Executive of HKRFP)