1st Hong Kong Financial Planner of The Year Award

Award2003_8Financial planning is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic professions in the territory.
According to statistics compiled by the Census and Statistics Department and Planning Department of the Government of Hong Kong SAR, the financing, insurance, real estate and business services sector altogether employed about 457,000 persons in 1999, accounting for 14.8% of the working population.

This sector is projected to have the fastest growth in employment and will grow to 737,300 by 2010 and to 851,100 by 2030, representing 19.1% and 20.7% of the working population respectively.

Award2003_7Dr Sidney Sze, President of RFP-HK said, “Taking into the ageing factor of the population mix and therefore a higher demand for services in wealth management, it is almost certain that individuals engaging in financial planning related type of work will be growing at an even faster rate.”Besides, given the high economic growth and improving living standard in the Mainland, demand for financial planning services is expected to increase, he said, adding that “this shall provide more business opportunities for financial planners.”“As an organization dedicated to the promotion of professionalism in financial planning in Hong Kong, RFP-HK believes that it is now the right time to take a lead in organizing the “Hong Kong Financial Planner of the Year Award” to foster growth within the financial planning industry,” Dr Sze said.

The Society launched the Financial Planner of the Year Award on April 28 2003. The result was announced at Bankers Club on September 08 2003. Our Guest of Honour, Mr. Tony Miller, Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services), presented the awards to the winners. The press conference was attended by media representatives including press, radio and TV. The event was publicized on Oriental Daily News, Economic Times, Apple Daily News, Wen Wei Po and Sing Tao Yat Pao.

Dr. Eric LI Ka Cheung GBS, OBE, JP
a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council for the accounting functional constituency

Mr. CHAN Wing Luk
a financial expert

Winner List

Gold Award
Mr. Chung Cheuk Ming Alex
Louie Wu & Co, CPA

Silver Award
Mr. Chan Hong Ming Frank
General International Agency Limited

Certificate of Merit & Outstanding Presentation Award
Ms. Ho Shuk Han Jessie
Hantec Investment Consultant Limited

Certificate of Merit
Mr. Wong Ho Lap Thomas
Eagle Star Group

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Panel List (In alphabetical order)

Name Title
Mr. Andrew Y.M. CHOW Hon. Secretary, The Insurance Institute of Hong Kong
Mr. LEUNG Kin Cheong President, Certified Management Accountants Society of British Columbia, Canada (Hong Kong Branch)
Mr. Vincent LI General Manager, Enterprise Enhancement Services Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council
Dr. Elizabeth SHING JP Director General, The Hong Kong Management Association
Mr. Michael SO Program Leader, Caritas Francis Hsu College
Dr. Sidney SZE President, Society of Registered Financial Planners Limited
Mr. Ricky TAM Chairman, Hong Kong Institute of Investors
Mr. Alec TSUI Chairman, Hong Kong Securities Institute
Dr. Clement Yuk-pang WONG Assistant Professor, City Univeristy of Hong Kong

Supporting Organizations/Associations (In alphabetical order)
AIA Group Limited Junior Chamber Internationa Victoria
Caritas Francis Hsu College The Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Certified Management Accountants Society of British Columbia, Canada (Hong Kong Branch) The Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
Hong Kong Institute of Investors The Hong Kong Management Association
Hong Kong Productivity Council The Institute of Securities Dealers Limited
Hong Kong Securities Institute The Insurance Institute of Hong Kong Limited